...but I thought cohesive thoughts require an audience

I’m tapping my foot against the frame of my twin bed. 

JMSN’s Do U Remember the Time plays soft enough so as not to disturb my sleeping roommate but loud enough to encompass the room in a rhythm of nostalgic longing.  

It’s a Tuesday night but feels like a Thursday - the energy divided across five days amasses into a span of forty-eight hours.

I’ve just returned from a suit & tie dinner. I remember each step walking home, longing for security from the pinching cold October night. 


Rumi longs for the return to our reed bed. We sit in taverns, praying for a path home. 

The approaching winter, the airy minor-keys, the looming loneliness of past companionship and its letdowns. It’s melancholic.

But we need it, crave it perhaps, to remember that companionship is in fact tangible.